Thought Pieces & Studies (Latest)

Please kindly find below a list of our latest papers and pieces, and a more detailed description on each one of those further down this page. 

As you may see, we have been lately quite active in the overall Technology and HRIS, Organizational Design and Remote Work spaces :

New Workforce, New Business: How Organizational Models Are Being Transformed

The State of HRIS - Applying IT to HR and Total Rewards

Remote Work: an International and European Perspective (Part I of II)

Remote Work: an International and European Perspective (Part II of II)


New Workforce, New Businesses: How Organizational Models Are Being Transformed

Introduction to paper

Glad to share the presentation we delivered in Atlanta (US) related to new #organizationaldesign models in relation to the #futureofwork , #internationalbusiness and #digitaltransformation .  It contained many data pieces from #gartner , #worldeconomicforum , #mit and others and people seemed to get fresh ideas out of it 🔥💡

Thank you WorldatWork for the opportunity ! Always at the forefront of #totalrewards and #humancapitalmanagement 🚀


The State of HRIS - Applying IT to HR and Total Rewards


Introduction to paper

We hereby share a paper that we generated on modern #technology as applied to #hrmanagement and #totalrewards . Good read, we think, and with insights within that go well beyond #hrmanagement .

We discuss #hris and #vendormanagement - but truly #technologystacks and their evolution overall - #artificialintelligence , #sql and #nosql databases , #cloudcomputing , #blockchain and modern company trends - in #workforcemanagement and other spheres.¨

A condensed version of this one can be found in the fall / autumn quarterly issue of #workspan magazine of WorldatWork - and here we are if you wish to comment further 😃. Thank you Dan Cafaro , Mark McGraw , and always Michael McCallum, SHRM-SCP for the opportunity ! 🤝 



Remote Work: an International and European Perspective (Part I of II)


Introduction to paper

Many things have already been said and written recently across multiple fora on the expected post-Covid 19 world of business and Remote Work arrangements.  Yet we might sometimes forget that Covid-19 and Remote Work discussions have brought broader questions on the Future of Work to the forefront – which compound when we are discussing all this from an international perspective.

This paper about Remote Work implications (Parts I and II) has been published in a condensed form in the WorldatWork Association's Workspan Daily here (Part I) - if we may say this, with great praise by global experts and practitioners.

From an European perspective, without losing a global mindset, in this Part I we comment about macro forces, similarities and differences of the European region regarding Remote Work vs. other regions, and some reflections by top management / key decision makers regarding Remote Work.

In Part II, we go on discussing further points of interest (see below).


Remote Work: an International and European Perspective (Part II of II)


Introduction to paper 

In Part II of II of this publication with WorldatWork  (condensed version in its Workspan Daily series), we comment on Remote Work issues such as Gravitation towards geographically distributed teams, or Care about employee wellness, resilience, and mental wellbeing.

We also discuss a renewed Attention to compliance, tax & legal issues – personal income and corporate taxation, immigration and visas, cross-border moves and conditions, social security, benefits, and pensions – inside and outside Europe.  And we add analysis on Rewards’ localization and debate on how to apply it – reduction of Compensation levels, application of differentials vs. separate structures, etc.

Finally, we also share some aggregate conclusions on Remote Work and possible steps companies can take. 



Any question or reactions ? Agree or disagree with our research, ideas, proposals ? Let us know !

I want to learn more !