Course Hours, Location and Exams

Course hours and location

Virtual, live online courses:

Total of each GRP ® live online course is 12 effective hours, exam excluded.  Each CSCP ® course is 10 effective hours.

GRP ® and CSCP ® courses usually take place (see Calendar) from 13:00 to 17:30 German/Swiss/Austrian time (CET/GMT+1 October to March, CEST/GMT+2 March to October), with a 30' break in between, for three days (normally Thursday-Wednesday-Friday; some exception may apply).

Likewise, other courses (GCIP, Multi-National Sales Compensation, Geographic Pay Strategies, etc.), usually take 13:00 - 17:30 as schedule, lasting one, two or five afternoons Wednesday-Thursday-Friday, depending on each case.

Presential classroom courses:

Applied for GRP ® only, they last 13 effective hours, exam excluded, and take place during two ca. 8-hour days (Thursday-Friday), from 9:00 to 16:45pm German/Swiss/Austrian time (CET/GMT+1 October to March, CEST/GMT+2 March to October), with a 45' hour lunch and 30' breaks.  

Locations to be disclosed to participants - conveniently located, modern classroom sites with amenities, either in Zurich or Geneva in Switzerland, depending on each case.

There is also the possibility to take self-paced courses, self-study e-learning (videos, materials and exam), with access for 120 calendar days and no specific instructor.  Zereon Associates offers in these cases a complimentary, personalized 1h. Q&A session.

Exam hours, location and other details


As opposed to the GRP or CSCP ® certification courses, the GCIP and other courses do not require an exam. 


Exams for each one of the GRP ® courses, or the one for CSCP ®, are taken online (out of the course hours themselves) - a special link inside the course platform (WorldatWork's Learner Dashboard, also called "LMS" or "Learning Management System"), will exist for participants.

With some technical / IT exam requirements (Chrome browser, no firewalls / company server blocks, web camera, pre-uploaded photo ID to verify exam taker identity, etc.), the exam can be scheduled and then taken at the participants' preference.

Exam rights expire 120 calendar days after a course is activated.  Most often, participants take the ca. 100-question, multiple choice online exams from home some time during the week immediately after the course ends (usually, 1-2 hours on a Saturday morning), allowing time to review what was discussed in the training sessions with knowledge still fresh on the mind.

Exam grades/pass-fail statement are generated automatically once the exam is finished.  All courses include the right to one exam session; if not passed, retaking an exam requires some extra fees. 

Exam contains questions from almost all pages and all the course modules, and questions have to be answered in the order they are presented.  No need to study in advance, in principle - course sessions in themselves fully prepare our attendees to take the corresponding exam confidently (our course participants' pass rates are 95+%).

Do not hesitate any further - taking the courses and the exams is now easier than ever !  

With very competitive prices, and additional discounts for companies, groups and number of courses, we'll provide you with an excellent solution for your needs, and a great price quote and offer - check Prices and Booking now, or click below :

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